Latest News

Just a quick reminder that this Friday Feb 29th is our 'Jive Club' Practice Night at Cawley Hall, Luston, 8-11pm. A perfect occassion to try out your moves and have some fun.

Don't forget to bring your own drinks. As always we will be doing tea and coffee. Our special guest DJ Johnny Cool will also be there adding his unique flavour of 'feet tapping tunes'.


We are pleased to announce we have booked the Fabulous Jive-Oholics to perform at our 'Saturday Night Fever' dance on April 12th at Bartestree Village Hall, 8-Midnight.

This is a strictly ticket only event as we will be limiting the numbers to allow adequate dancing space. So if you are interested we suggest early booking. Tickets will cost £12.

This is an opportunity not to be missed as there is nothing like dancing to a great live band.

Keep checking as we will be adding more info on this great band very soon.


March 7th, Friday 7-10pm, Winter Workshops at Bartestree Village Hall

March 15th, Saturday 8-11.30pm, 'Saturday Night Fever' at Bartestree Village Hall

March 16th, Sunday, End of Term Class & Party at Bartestree Village Hall

March 18th, Tuesday, End of Term Class & Party at Cawley Hall, Luston

April 12th, Saturday, 8-Midnight, 'Saturday Night Fever' with the Fabulous Jive-Oholics

Take Care
Matt & Sarah
