Latest News


Hope you are all well.

Dates for your diary!

Friday, March 26th - Mini-Dips & Mini-Airsteps Workshop, Bartestree Village Hall.

7.30-8.30pm - Mini-Dips

8.45-9.45pm - Mini-Airsteps

These special classes are designed for those of you who want to add a 'little extra' to your dance repertoire. The moves are low impact and quite safe, but at the same time suitably 'flash'.

These workshops are non-rotating, so you must book as a couple and then you stay together for the duration.

The cost will be £10 per couple per class or £18 per couple if you do both classes.

As we are limiting numbers it is essential to book in advance!

Hereford Jive & Swing Dance 2010

Next Dance Dates:
March 7th, May 16th

Live Band Dates: April 18th, Jive'o'holics, July 4th, Steady Eddy

The dances will run 7.00-11.00 pm, band nights 7.30-11pm at The Richmond Club, Edgar Street, Hereford (opposite and slightly south of Hereford Utd Football Club on the A49) and cost £4.00 on the door.

Tickets/Info ring Susan on 01432 357859 for more details.

For weekly class times and venue's for Jive, Dance Workout & Pilates go to

Take Care.

Matt & Sarah
