New Term Dates


Hope you are all well and have had a Good Easter.

The new term will be starting this week and we are really looking forward to seeing you all again and getting back into the dance groove.

Check out all our date and times below.

Dates for your diary!

New Term Starts This Week!

Monday April 19th, Bartestree Village Hall

6-7, Coolmoves Dance Workout
7-8, Pilates
8-9, Beginners Jive
9-10, Intermediates Jive

Tuesday April 20th, Cawley Hall, Luston

6-7, Coolmoves Dance Workout
7-8, Beginners Jive
8-9, Intermediates Jive
9-10, Advanced Jive
Hereford Jive & Swing Dance 2010

Jiveoholics Dance, Sunday 18 April - organised by Hereford Jive & Swing Group

Time is running out to buy tickets for what promises to be a great evening. Don't be shy if you're a near beginner, the band is great just to listen to and watch, and you can learn a lot by watching the dancing ... and even more if you just 'have a go'. If you've no partner, you won't get left out ... there'll be loads of people to dance with.

The Jiveoholics play jump jive and R&B and all their stuff is danceable ... go to their website to listen to some samples (

The dance is at the Richmond Club, 69-71 Edgar St, Hereford HR4 9JR, i.e. on the A49 in the centre of Hereford, just to the south of and opposite the football ground. It has a reasonable car park, but overflow can be in the football ground nearly opposite.

Doors open at 7.30 pm and the band will be onstage at 8.00 pm. They will be supported by DJ 'Chalky' White playing a great range of music, and kick-out time is 11.00 pm. There's a good, reasonably priced bar, so please don't bring your own drinks.

Tickets are £6.00 in advance or £7.50 on the door. You can ring Susan on 01432 357859, Steve on 01885 483854 or Rob on 01885 400281 or email herefordjive@btinternet.comfor tickets. We've sold enough that we know it's going to be a good night, but there's still room for more! It's a really good big venue and the atmosphere on the DJ dance nights has been great.

The more support you give our newly formed Group, the more dances we can afford to put on, and it's great to have something local on a regular basis.

Hereford Jive & Swing Group now have a 'blog' which is This lists all the events we are organising, links to other useful related sites, map showing the Richmond Club, pictures of our dances, etc. It also shows a list of any other dances/classes around the area that we think you might be interested in .... generally within an hour's travelling time of Hereford.

So check it out, tell your friends about it, let us have your ideas for it and details of any events you hear about ( It is still a 'work in progress', and is being updated regularly.

Dance Night at Cawley Hall, May 7th, 8 'til late.

Book this date in your diary for a fabulous dance night at Cawley Hall, with the fantastic Sultana Brothers.

Tickets £7 in advance or £8 on the door

For weekly class times and venue's for Jive, Dance Workout & Pilates go to

Take Care.

Matt & Sarah
